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'Innovation Is the Key to Investing'


There's a lot of noise in the financial media right now.

In just the past six months, countless headlines have caused knee-jerk reactions from investors. It's getting harder and harder to know what's worth listening to and what's best to ignore.

On today's episode of Making Money With Matt McCall, my guest and I discuss exactly that – how to ignore the noise and what to focus on instead...

Innovation investing.

Today's guest is James Altucher. He's a man of many talents.

He's an entrepreneur, an angel investor, and a bestselling author. And most importantly, he isn't afraid of failure...

James started 20 companies. And he'll be the first to admit that 17 of them failed.

Like me, James isn't shy about sharing his true, unfiltered thoughts. That makes our discussion not only informative... but entertaining, too.

I talk often about the importance of being a long-term investor. My goal is to uncover unique opportunities in hypergrowth megatrends that will take off over the next five to 10 years. As part of that strategy, I like to use a basket approach when building a portfolio.

James provides a fresh perspective on these strategies. And he even shares the approach he uses when it comes to his own money.

So if you have any money in the stock market, this is a must-listen episode.

But our discussion goes so much further than that...

Like the majority of my podcasts, this episode is entirely unscripted. And as a result, we venture into a variety of topics that range from innovation and genomics to some of the most important discussions in the investment world today. We also answer some of the biggest investment questions I get on a regular basis.

This is one of the best interviews I've done this year... And I hope you'll agree.

Click here to watch the latest episode of Making Money With Matt McCall now.

Here's to the future,

Matt McCall
Editor, Daily Insight
June 22, 2023

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