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The best “how to” guide to set yourself up for the richest retirement possible
Retirement Millionaire is a monthly advisory that shows readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than you’d imagine possible.
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About Retirement Millionaire

Dr. David Eifrig Jr., MD, MBA, is the perfect editor for a unique advisory letter like Retirement Millionaire. He started his career trading derivatives at Goldman Sachs for more than a decade. In 1995, he decided to switch careers and left Wall Street to become a medical doctor. Now he’s doing what he loves best… advising others on improving their health, managing their money, and how to enjoy a prosperous retirement. Since 2008, Doc has shared these ideas with nearly 100,000 readers of his monthly research service, Retirement Millionaire. “Doc” (as we call him) will show you how to invest without worrying about money again.

Portfolio Snapshot
Number of Positions
Approx. 20-25



*Number of positions, safety, and returns may vary. These are estimates based upon our track record and historical data.
Publication Overview
How often is this service published?
Monthly (second Wednesday of every month) with e-mail updates as needed
How much capital should I have to get started?
Approx. $1,000 / Great for beginning investors, retirees, and those planning for retirement
What will we be buying?
Do you put on short trades?
What’s a typical holding period?
At least 2 years, and often longer
Dr. David Eifrig
Dr. David Eifrig
Matt Weinschenk
Matt Weinschenk
Jeff Havenstein
Jeff Havenstein
Laura Bente
Laura Bente
About The Editor

Dr. David Eifrig is the editor of Retirement Millionaire, a monthly advisory that teaches readers how to live a millionaire lifestyle on less money than they'd imagine possible.

He is also the editor of Retirement Trader, a trading advisory which shows readers a low-risk way to double or triple the gains in your retirement account, with much less risk.

Additionally, he leads Income Intelligence, a monthly investment advisory which shows investors how to expertly time their purchases to maximize their returns.

His free e-letter Health & Wealth Bulletin, provides readers with a guide for living well at a good price and on their own terms.

Presentation Image
“ I have made a great deal of money following some of Retirement Millionaires' recommendations. Some have produced 100+ % gains. I don't believe any were closed out with a loss. I would guess I buy about one out of four as I determine whether each falls within my interest sectors. I have a diversified portfolio that has a 10 year average return of over 16%. I am pleased with your services. Thanks!”

— Art S.

Subscriber of Retirement Millionaire

*The investment results described in this testimonial are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

Year after year, Doc finds opportunities that can dramatically change your retirement, sometimes literally overnight. Here’s a small sample of many winning recommendations…
(*These results are examples of some of the very best possible outcomes. Past results like these are no guarantee of any future result.)
3M Co.
Eli Lilly & Co.
Nuveen Insured Tax-Free Advantage Municipal Fund
“I want to complement you on the scope of your investment newsletters, for giving your subscribers financial education to take care of our own money, plus a lot more non-financial information. It is good for all of us to understand that there is more value in life than just piling up enough money for consists of more than a selfish focus on saving and spending on ourselves. We need to take care of our health while we still have it, and we need to recreate in the great outdoors and travel to new places. So thanks again for your suggestions to help us live a healthy, wealthy retirement filled with valuable experiences!”
— Stan A.
Subscriber of Retirement Millionaire
“I'm just ravenous for the great stuff in your research! This is exactly what I've been trying to research for maybe five years now...”
— Roland S.
Subscriber of Retirement Millionaire
“I am like the person looking forward to the mail man arriving with an expected letter that should bear very good news. I stop whatever I am doing, download and print it, move to my recliner, and e-n-j-o-y!”
— Charles G.
Subscriber of Retirement Millionaire
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