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In the Stansberry Innovations Report, editor Eric Wade and our team of technology experts focus on the most pioneering and disruptive technologies around the world today.
The team looks for early opportunities in new technology trends that span the medical sciences, biotechnology, software, hardware, defense, and cryptocurrencies. These trends will likely play out over several years and decades.

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The Chart Trump Is Watching
Who's taking the deal?... The new treasury secretary speaks... The most important price in the world... The story he's telling... A recession signal from Starbucks... New Investor Hour podcast with Hendrik Bessembinder...
Tonight was supposed to be the deadline...
By midnight tonight, more than 2 million federal employees were supposed to have decided whether to accept a "deferred resignation" offer as the White House continues to shake up Washington.
Workers who accepted the offer would be paid through September if they agreed to leave their jobs. By today, as many as 60,000 workers had reportedly decided to do it and presumably avoid uncertainty about possibly losing their jobs anyway.
Here in Maryland, through friends and various sources, I (Corey McLaughlin) had heard directly of a handful who'd chosen this route. But the whole story is in limbo now. This afternoon, a judge hit the pause button on th
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More Like a Roller Coaster
Feb 7, 2025
Editor's note: The financial world expects the Federal Reserve to do something this year that it has only pulled off once in its history. As Mike DiBiase explains in this piece – adapted from the December 2024 issue of Stansberry's Credit Opportunities – the optimists are missing a fundamental truth about the economy. That means more pain is likely... But for investors who understand market cycles, so are hidden opportunities...Interest rates and inflation appear to be under control now that they're headed down. That's a welcome relief for consumers and businesses alike.

To Fight Inflammation, Become a 'Walrus'
Feb 6, 2025
In one of the coldest regions on the planet, thousands of people choose winter to go for a swim...The young and old of Russia celebrate winter by taking icy plunges into the water or dropping buckets of ice water over their heads. Some Russians called "morzhi" ("walruses" in English) are part of clubs where they go for ice swims every week... All in normal bathing suits – no special equipment required.

Episode 399: The Boring Asset That Outperforms Most Stocks
Feb 3, 2025
On this week's Stansberry Investor Hour, Dan and Corey welcome Hendrik Bessembinder to the show. Hendrik is a business professor at Arizona State University. With more than 40 years of teaching experience and 25 years of consulting experience, he joins the podcast to impart some of what he has discovered over his decades of work.Hendrik kicks things off by introducing himself and sharing how he got involved in teaching. After that, he talks about his breakthrough research studying the performance of stocks versus Treasury bills, why investing over a long time horizon is crucial, and the importance of finding a competitive advantage in the markets. Hendrik then compares stock picking with professional athletics, as both are rare skills that only small portions of the population excel at. And speaking about his research findings, he notes...

A look at earnings reports from Amazon and Match Group
Feb 7, 2025
1) Regular readers know that I've long been bullish on Amazon (AMZN)...Along with Meta Platforms (META) and Alphabet (GOOGL) – which I just discussed on Thursday last week and this past Wednesday, respectively – I've consistently liked Amazon's stock ever since I named it as a core holding in my old firm Empire Financial Research's first newsletter on April 17, 2019.