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Advanced trading strategies to amplify returns from every corner of the market
True Wealth Systems is an advanced trading product that allows readers access to strategies they would normally never hear about. Most of the trades are executed with easy-to-buy ETFs that often use leverage to amplify returns.
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About True Wealth Systems

When Brett Eversole joined Stansberry Research, he immediately put his mathematics background and analytics expertise to work alongside founding editor Dr. Steve Sjuggerud.

Together, they developed True Wealth Systems. It's a computer-based strategy designed to sift through mountains of data and find low-risk, simple trading strategies that beat "buy and hold."

The idea behind it was simple: to give everyday investors the same kinds of tools and systematic approaches that make major players on Wall Street so successful.

As Brett puts it...

Steve and I were committed to leveling the playing field... I'm a math guy. And I knew there had to be a way to crunch the numbers to make it happen. All I had to do was keep it simple and keep it logical. Our goal was to beat – or tie – the markets, but with a lot less risk than the institutional traders take on.

Back-tested over decades, True Wealth Systems has proven to return as much as 40% annualized when you're "in the trade." Here's how it works...

The True Wealth Systems computers look at more than 120 years of data... and determine the best times to buy and sell each asset – based on the numbers, without emotion.

Brett and his team weigh the potential profits, potential risks, and numerous other criteria combined to show you the best possible investment opportunity to own – every single month – based on the proprietary analysis of our million-dollar system.

Our strategies take advantage of investments from every corner of the market – more than 40 different sectors – so you will always have the opportunity to make money somewhere.

Plus, you'll get weekly updates on potential setups taking shape in the markets, with analysis on what's likely to happen based on history.

On the first Thursday of each month, Brett and his research team will show you that you don’t have to take big risks to make big returns.

Portfolio Snapshot
Number of Positions
Approx. 20



*Number of positions, safety, and returns may vary. These are estimates based upon our track record and historical data.
Publication Overview
How often is this service published?
Monthly (first Thursday of every month) with e-mail updates as needed
How much capital should I have to get started?
Approx. $2,500
What will we be buying?
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) mostly
Do you put on short trades?
What’s a typical holding period?
6 – 18 months
Brett Eversole
Lead Analyst
Brett Eversole
Contributing Analysts
Chris Igou, Analyst
Sean Michael Cummings, Analyst
About The Editor

Brett Eversole joined Stansberry Research in 2010. He is the lead editor and analyst for True WealthTrue Wealth Systems, True Wealth Real Estate, and DailyWealth.

Brett boasts a strong background in applied mathematics and statistics, with a degree in Actuarial Science. As an undergraduate, he passed the first three exams for entrance into the Society of Actuaries before focusing on finance at Stansberry Research.

He has put his analytical expertise to work in the markets for the past decade-plus. And, notably, he helped develop True Wealth Systems – one of Stansberry Research's most in-depth, data-driven products – alongside founding editor Steve Sjuggerud.

Brett takes a top-down investment approach. His first goal is spotting big macro trends in the market. These are the kinds of inescapable tailwinds you want as an investor. From there, he looks for opportunities based on valuation and overall market sentiment. Lastly, he always waits for momentum to be in his favor before investing.

This approach means Brett consistently takes a contrarian approach to investing. And combining that with data-driven analysis leads to fantastic long-term performance.

Presentation Image
“I ONLY invest in stocks YOU recommend. And I’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars following your advice over the years . I even know dozens of professionals that secretly use your stock research to advise their high-end clients with 8-digit account balances.”

— Raymond P. Subscriber of True Wealth Systems

“ I’ve followed Steve for over 10 years and have grown my portfolio to over $2.4 million.”
— Jim M.
Subscriber of True Wealth Systems
“I’ve increased my retirement portfolio $400k+ and it’s helped propel me into the next stage of my life.”
— Daniel S.
Subscriber of True Wealth Systems*

The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

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