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My seminar on 'An Introduction to Finance and Investing'


Today, I'm sharing a "peek behind the curtain" on something I've received plenty of requests on in recent years...

Ever since I taught a five-day seminar on finance and investing to two dozen high school and college students (including one of my own daughters) in 2018, friends and readers have often asked me whether I'll be teaching it again.

When I tell them I have no plans to do so, they ask me if I have anything I can give them to share with their children to help them learn the basics. (And in many cases, it's information that anyone who's investing can use – not just younger folks.)

So I've put together a collection of materials, which I'm sharing publicly for the first time here...

As a start, folks should read my two daily e-mails on financial advice to a recent college graduate and financial advice to retired readers. (Please keep in mind that I can't offer personalized financial advice – this is more generalized advice.)

Then, read my four dailies on how to get a job in money management, breaking into money management (part 1 and part 2), and tips on the "first step" of securing a successful financial future.

Then, check out my presentations on The Basics of Economics, Understanding Financial Statements, How to Achieve Superior Performance, and The Best of Value and Growth: Make Money Investing.

Lastly, watch this video from my college buddy Bill Ackman of Pershing Square Capital Management: Everything You Need to Know About Finance and Investing in Under an Hour. And watch the following six videos I've done over the years:

There's a lot of content linked here – but that's the point! As such, I'll keep today's daily e-mail short and let you have at it.

And as always, I welcome your feedback – you can send me an e-mail by clicking here.

Best regards,


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